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Monday, December 19, 2011

post modern art - grr

At some point in art's history, we "intellectuals" have gone from sane to insane to impressions to expressions. And after thousands of years of evolution, we eventually ran out of defining terms and moments and decided to name every other work of art "Post Modern"

The great part is that the term post modern has officially simplified all forms of art (after modern/pop) into a generic term and has technically brought the ability to create art away from the once exclusive "Intellectuals" and into the masses.

The sad part is, that this over simplification has led to a new breed of untrained un-refined artists who began to dilute our fine trade with random imagery guised under the all encompassing world of personal expression.

To me, Art should follow 3 simple rules.

1. It has to be beautiful (though argued that it is in the eyes of the beholder)

2. It has to contain thought (even if it is a random one or emotion)

3. It has to be practiced and trained (Picasso did thousands of tests before he
managed to come up with cubism. And famous drip painter Jackson Pollock did
hundreds of massive drip paintings before we saw his raging emotions pour onto his

The bottom line is. I really cannot stand fake artists who create pieces of junk without proper intentions with the attempt to sell. I once met an artist who literally held a gallery of "art work" and was literally rushing crappy kiddy magazine collages the night before the event and was like "oh! I've been doing this forever blah blah.."

Oh well... who am I to judge. If someone one wants to sell old scrap paper for $700 and another is willing to pay for this, then I guess that piece of scrap is worth &$700 after all!

Here's someone whom I think deserves some praise, though I think he's nothing short of obsessed.

You don't see anyone making 3.2 million ink dots everyday do you!


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