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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Master Designer Workshop 2012 part 2 Concept art

So day 2 of the master class featured Daniel Dociu and Feng Zhu himself.

It is a pity that Daniel did not have the time to do a live demo and frankly a lot of us were disappointed. Non-the-less it was great that these guys could come down and share with us some of their experiences.

As for Feng's session. Loved it as usual. If not for the fact that i'm not pursuing a direct path in concept art, I would have signed up for his school without batting an eyelid.

His general style of teaching is very Scientific. Suits me! (I really thought I would become a rocket scientist when I was a kid and woot? I became an artist lol)

So here he demos how to pick colours from live references etc... seriously speaking more than i was impressed with his painting... how does anyone speak and paint so fast AT THE SAME TIME????!!! cuz the final was probably done within an hour while he was talking and explaining a whole bunch of concepts. Respect!

Well that's it for now... Update on my potential gallery, me and Yanni have already settled for the topic and a few potential candidates. But we decided to work on creating a "movement" so it has to be top secret for awhile... Oh well... Will blast it when it happens =)


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